My Story

Hello Dear Sister,

I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself, and welcome you to the Reformed Baptist Wife community!

My name is Rachel Liberda, and first and foremost, I am a blood-bought servant of the Most High King. By no merit of my own, Christ called me out of darkness, and into His marvelous light and now I have been given the undeserved but joyous honor of serving Him all my days; proclaiming His excellencies.

I am married to my loving husband and head, Isaiah Liberda, who is the family pastor of a small country church in southern Indiana, where we reside. Here, I spend my time striving to glorify God in making our little parsonage home beautiful; cooking nutritious, frugal, and tasteful meals for family and friends; cultivating produce, herbs, and flowers in our "Meadowgrove" garden; as well as crocheting and reading Puritans by firelight.

In His sovereign wisdom, the Lord has ordained for me to suffer from a connective tissue disorder which mostly affects my joints, digestive system, and cardiac system. As a result, I receive nourishment enterally through a feeding tube, and walk a little slower than most, when I am not using my wheelchair. Though I cannot say it has been easy, God has used it to open my eyes to my depravity and frailty, to teach me to pray, to drive me to seek Him earnestly and to know Him deeply, to loosen my grip from the world, and to see with greater clarity the beauty of His glorious Gospel of grace.

As you tarry here with me a while, I pray that your eyes would be drawn to the Holy and Righteous God of Heaven in awe and worship, and that you would find encouragement to continue on in your earthly pilgrimage for His glory.

Now that you know a little about me, I'd be so grateful if you, my kind reader, would take this moment to write me a message in the "contact" page, and introduce yourself as well! I love to get to know and pray for my dear readers!

Yours in Christ,

Rachel Marie Liberda